Exceptional A Level Results for Roedean Students
15 August 2024
Congratulations to 2024’s Year 13 students at Roedean, who have achieved some of our best results at A Level in 15 years.
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Congratulations to 2024’s Year 13 students at Roedean, who have achieved outstanding results at A Level – 57.2% of all grades are at A*-A, which is one of the highest in the last 15 years. This achievement is all the more impressive since the cohort is the largest in a decade, underlining the School’s strength in depth in a range of subjects. Moreover, just under a quarter, 24.4%, of these grades have been awarded the highest A* grade.
The cohort deserves huge congratulations, and their A Level grades are the result of exceptional diligence and determination to succeed. Six remarkable students were awarded all A* grades, with 21 top grades between them. In addition, one student also achieved four A* grades and one A, which is outstanding. 19% of the cohort achieved two or more A* grades, and 9% achieved three or more of these top grades. Overall, 30% of the cohort were awarded all A*-A grades, and 82% of the year-group achieved at least one A grade.
This year’s cohort will leave School with outstanding results, a springboard for success later in life. Particular congratulations go to Ella, Amelia, Otti, and Euran, who will take up places at Oxford and Cambridge in October, where they will study Politics Philosophy and Economics, Land Economy, Philosophy and Theology, and Mathematics respectively. In addition to this, Phoebe will be studying Liberal Arts at the highly prestigious Columbia University in New York. The School is exceedingly proud of three Ukrainian students, who joined Roedean after fleeing their homeland – they achieved excellent grades, working in a second language, while also successfully completing their Ukrainian school leaving qualifications online in the evenings.
Roedean offers A Levels in 26 subjects, allowing the students to follow their passions and specialise. Carmen, who studied both Art and Textiles at A Level, achieved top grades in both, and won a place directly onto the highly-competitive Fashion degree course at Kingston University. The usual impressive range of the students’ interests is highlighted again in their degree course choices: Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Photography, Theoretical Physics, Archaeology and Anthropology, and Fashion Management, to name a few. The School continues to buck the trend for girls’ education, since 56% of this year-group have taken Maths A Level, and over one third of the cohort study A Levels in Biology and Chemistry. A large proportion of students will again move on to undergraduate courses in STEM subjects, with particularly impressive numbers going on to read Medicine and Veterinary Medicine at university.
Our Year 13s have achieved brilliant results, and I am incredibly proud of them. Not only have they won top grades at A Level, but they have also taken the leading roles in musicals, excelled on the hockey pitch, taken on leadership responsibility, sung operatic arias at the Fringe, taught English to refugees in Moldova, and so much more – they have been amazing! They leave Roedean with our congratulations and best wishes, and we cannot wait to hear about their successes in the future – they will make an impact!
Niamh Green, Roedean Head