Roedean People

Space to be:

Year 12

Roedean has allowed me to take part in so many experiences that have altered my perspective.

During my five years at Roedean, I’ve experienced all aspects of school life, and I can say that each day here, packed with endless, new, and exciting opportunities has shaped me into the person I am today. When asked how my journey into KS4 has helped prepare me, and why I feel so confident about my decision in staying at Roedean for Sixth Form, I feel completely at ease knowing that I will continue to thrive in the community that I have been so lucky to find not only myself, but the things I love doing in. I have built life- long friendships and received endless support from my teachers that I will never take for granted.

I am most looking forward to the new possibilities that I am not yet even aware of, and their inevitable challenges that I will face. I plan on studying medicine at university and will be taking Biology, Chemistry, Psychology and English Literature next year, so taking part in MedSoc each week is something that I want to become more consistent in doing. I also hope to give academic lectures, focusing on different material that has not yet been dissected. Next year, I would like to attain my Level 1 BSL qualification as well as learning to play the piano, as I have always wanted to pursue these skills, and know that these opportunities will be available to me through Roedean’s extensive co-curricular program.

Roedean has allowed me to take part in so many experiences that have altered my perspective, including Roedean Academy. A practical experience that helped me reach out of my comfort zone, appreciate, and reflect on each topic dissected. Giving support and advice to younger students within Roedean allows me the chance to give back to the community by being the role model that I would look up to when I was in the younger years. Whether seeking academic advice or other support regarding mental health, I’m keen to give the help that I wish I was given when I needed it most.

I am thrilled to be taking part in Project 125: Moldova, this year, in which a group of twelve students, myself included, will be going to Moldova to teach underprivileged children how to speak English, for a week. I’m really looking forward to connecting with the children and understanding their individual learning styles and needs. I think the trip will be an excellent opportunity to reflect on how I perceive the world, and the immense privilege that I’m fortunate enough to have.