Alumnae Sport

Many alumnae continue to play sport long after leaving Roedean. Below are the existing alumnae sports clubs, but please do email the alumnae team  if you are interested in starting up a club not listed below. 


OR Golf Day

An annual event for OR golfers of all ages and handicaps, currently held at Windlesham Golf Club, Surrey.

For more information, please contact Phoebe Daws: [email protected].

Silver Tassie

The Silver Tassie is a ladies golf competition for alumnae of independent schools which are members of the Independent Schools Council. This competition has been running since 1961 with Roedean one of the founding teams.  It is currently held at the Berkshire Golf Club.  You can read more about the Silver Tassie here. 

For more information, please contact Phoebe Daws: [email protected].


An annual match ORs vs The School. 

For more information, please contact Mary Henderson: [email protected].


An annual match ORs vs The School. 

For more information, please contact Mary Henderson: [email protected].


The Arrow Trophy Regatta

A mixed sailing ability team currently made up of ORs spanning four decades and from five different continents, has participated for the last five years in the Arrow Trophy Regatta. This is an annual sailing event in Cowes, Isle of Wight that sees 27 independent schools race against one another. 

WOKC (Women’s Open Keelboat Championships)

A new event for our sailing ORs.

For more information, please contact Sophia Cheung: [email protected].


An annual event for OR tennis players of all ages and abilities currently held at the Roehampton Club, London SW15.

For more information, please contact Noëlle Chase: [email protected].