
Beyond the Classroom

Theatre is a strong feature of School life and all girls are expected to become involved, whether as performers, production support, or audience members. 

 The Roedean Theatre is a premium facility that has been recently refurbished with an increased capacity of 350. This professional space, with excellent acoustics and enhanced technical capabilities, is supported by a Theatre Manager and a full-time technician. Here, girls are trained in the operation and use of equipment, and all performances are stage-managed by students.

All girls in Years 7-9 take a three-year coordinated course which is designed to embed key skills: pupils cover Improvisation, Shakespeare & Voice, Greek Theatre, Staging 20th Century Texts, Theatre in Education, and Ensemble, as well as other techniques.

Beyond the timetable, there are three major annual productions:

The Winter Production in December for girls in Years 8-13

The Drama Scholars’ Production in February

The Summer Production in June for Years 7-9.

In addition, there are House Plays, run by girls, and many examination performances. Not to mention Scholars’ plays, our annual Performing Arts Gala, West End workshops, professional masterclasses, and LAMDA examinations in Acting, Verse & Prose, Public Speaking, and Musical Theatre (for which we have a 100% Distinction rate over the last 3 years).

We’re also involved in national writing schemes and engaged with The National Student Drama Festival; current girls are also members of the National Youth Theatre.

Recent productions include: Les Miserable, Six, Cabaret, Matilda, All Together Now, Romeo and Juliet, Hairspray, Peter Pan, and The Crucible, Mary Poppins, Legally Blonde, Midsummer Night’s Dream, Jane Eyre.