
What awards are offered?
Roedean offers the following:
Academic Scholarships: awarded to students who are academically able across a range of subjects.
Scholarships in areas of specialism: available in Art, Dance, Drama, Music, Performing Arts and Sport. Ability and potential are taken into consideration as part of the awarding process.
Discretional Awards: awarded by the Head following assessment days, and including
Lawrence Scholarship: the most prestigious all-round scholarship available at Roedean
Newnham Scholarship: the most prestigious academic award
Sussex Scholarship: applicants who combine academic excellence with an area of specialism

Who Can Apply?
Scholarships are available to all candidates applying to Roedean for entry into Years 7, 9 and 12 (UK-based and international applicants).
Candidates may apply for an academic scholarship solely, or/as well as up to two scholarships in the practical areas of specialism.
The maximum award structure for any candidate is:
• an academic scholarship with one practical scholarship, or
• one practical scholarship
Discretional awards may not be applied for directly. They may be conferred by the Head for exceptional students.

What funding is available?
A scholar receives a £2500 fee remission annually, regardless of whether an applicant is awarded one or two scholarships. This will remain in place for the duration of the student’s time at Roedean, provided the scholarship level(s) is maintained.
Scholars also receive termly review meetings with their Head of Department to monitor their progress and help them maintain the required level.
Families looking for further financial support are recommended to visit our Bursaries page for more information.

Brighthelm Awards
The Brighthelm award is a combination of an academic scholarship and means-tested funding. They are available to applicants for Years 7 and 12 currently
in the state sector
living within a radius of 20 miles of Roedean
recommended by their Head teacher
Brighthelm Award holders are highly motivated and academically confident with a thirst for knowledge.
Who should apply?
Year 7: Students must be in the top of their Year 6 ability range in English and maths.
Year 12: Students must have GCSE predicted grades of 7-9s across all their subjects.
Families applying for this award must complete a means-tested bursary form in addition to the academic scholarship application, by the submission deadline.

Application Process
When submitting the scholarship application form, candidates are asked to:
complete a statement outlining their interest and skills in their area(s) of specialism, and what it means to them to be a scholar
submit evidence of their skills (see details for each specialism below)
Statements and submissions will be reviewed by the relevant Heads of Department. Those considered to be at an appropriate level will be invited to the scholarship assessment day.
Candidates studying abroad may complete their assessments and interviews online.
New Joiners to Roedean
Scholarships are available to all candidates applying to Roedean for entry into Years 7, 9 and 12 (UK-based and international applicants).
Candidates applying through the standard entry process can apply for a scholarship at the same time as their entry assessment.
Candidates who have accepted a place through the Early Entrance Process may apply for a scholarship in the year before their joining date.
Current Students
Scholarships are available to current Roedean students moving up into Years 9 and 12, and these submission dates will be communicated by the school.
Students unsuccessful with previous scholarship applications can reapply at the later entry points.
Academic (including Brighthelm Award)
Roedean Scholars embody passion, intellectual curiosity, and an enthusiasm for learning. They are highly motivated and academically confident with a thirst for knowledge.
All applicants should be academically high achievers and strong across a range of subjects. They should be aspirational in outlook and demonstrate a positive and flexible approach to learning.
Candidates applying for Years 7 and 9 should be within the top 5% of their current cohort.
Candidates applying for Year 12 should have predicted GCSE grades of 7+ across all subjects.
Application submissions
Candidates applying for a Brighthelm Award should be prepared for their current Head teacher to be contacted for a personal recommendation. This will be undertaken by Roedean.
Applications must be submitted by Friday 11 October 2024. No further submissions in support of an application are necessary, other than the personal statement which is part of the application process.
Assessment day
Candidates will undertake the following as part of their scholarship assessment:
tests in maths, English, verbal reasoning, and non-verbal reasoning
a written academic scholarship paper (Year 12 applicants only)
an interview, in which candidates are expected to demonstrate intellectual curiosity

The Academic Scholars’ Programme at Roedean
A Leading Role: Scholars are at the heart of academic life and expected to demonstrate strong academic progress whilst at Roedean. The Scholar Programme is designed to challenge them intellectually whilst providing the opportunity to flourish. Scholars are encouraged to mentor their peers through running societies, being a part of the Academic Mentoring Project and, in Year 12, becoming an Academic Prefect.
Working towards Mastery: Roedean is committed to providing challenging opportunities in all curriculum lessons. In addition, scholars are encouraged to enter a range of national competitions to stretch themselves intellectually. Scholars are supported in finding their areas of intellectual interest and exploring different ways to examine this through debate, by presenting an academic lecture, chairing a question-and-answer panel, or entering a national competition.
Sixth Form scholars are encouraged to participate in the Roedean Symposium and expand their academic subject choices by completing the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ).
Community and Outreach: Academic Scholars in Years 7 to 9 are encouraged to work with St Mark’s Primary school as reading ambassadors or, for those with a second language, as Language Buddies.
During GCSE, Academic Scholars are at the heart of the Roedean Academy, an academic based partnership programme that aims to provide a high level and enriching academic experience for students from Roedean and local state comprehensives.
Academic Scholars in the Sixth Form work with the local community through the ‘Community Action Programme’. Roedean also holds an annual interview exchange and dinner with students from Lancing College for our Oxbridge and Early University entrants.
Trips and Workshops: All Academic Scholars are encouraged to attend the weekly programme of Roedean Academic Lectures which comprises an eclectic mix of fields and disciplines, designed to challenge, extend, and broaden intellects. Lectures are given by visiting speakers, Roedean Scholars, and academic staff and have included: ‘The Unravelling of the Versailles Treaty’, ‘What is poetry?’ (featuring Soviet poetry), ‘Postmodernist Thought’, and ‘Big Numbers’.
Scholars are encouraged to make full use of the wide range of subject-based trips made available during their time at Roedean. Recent trips have included the British Museum, the Battle Fields in Ypres, and an exchange visit with Roedean South Africa. Scholars are offered a variety of seminars, lectures and visiting workshops as part of the co-curricular programme ranging from CAD programming in the F24 Electric Car project, to a Macbeth workshop for English students.
Mentoring: Academic Scholars meet regularly with their subject mentors in their priority subjects as well as with the Assistant Head: Academic Enrichment & Support to discuss their progress and the opportunities available to them.
Art Scholarship
Roedean Art Scholars have a passion for creativity and demonstrate a range of technical skills with high levels of imagination. Their vision is often experimental, and they show a willingness to learn from the process as well as the outcome.
Art Scholarship candidates should demonstrate curiosity and a true enthusiasm for the visual arts. Imagination and originality should be evidenced in their portfolio.
Application submissions
Candidates should submit photos of three contrasting works of art produced within the last 6 months.
Submissions should be uploaded through the application software by Friday 11 October 2024.
Portfolio Submission
Candidates who are invited to assess for an Art Scholarship are asked to submit a digital portfolio of current work to be reviewed by the Head of Art.
The portfolio should include a selection of pieces which show a range of media, technical abilities, and the potential to develop.
Artwork can include drawings, pictures, and paintings, as well as 3D work.
Digital portfolios should be submitted by the relevant deadline to be considered. Please see the table of Key Dates for more information.
Submissions should be sent to [email protected]
Assessment day
Candidates will undertake the following as part of their scholarship assessment:
participation in a practical assessment, which will include a drawing task and an analysis exercise.
an interview, in which candidates will
discuss their knowledge of, and interest in, art
answer questions related to their favourite artists
speak about their skills in relation to their submitted portfolio

The Art Scholars’ Programme at Roedean
A Leading Role: Scholars may be involved in supporting the art department on Open Days and Evenings giving them the chance to share and communicate their skills and passion with their peers and the wider community.
Scholars are given the opportunity to display and exhibit their artwork in one of Roedean’s three main annual exhibitions. The department also supports scholars who wish to enter external competitions including the Royal Academy Young Artists Summer Show.
Working Towards Mastery: The department delivers a wide variety of evening and weekend courses for scholars in life drawing, printmaking, and ceramics. Scholars are encouraged to take part in these opportunities to extend their breadth of understanding and depth of technical proficiency across a range of media and processes.
At Sixth Form, scholars can benefit from taking examinations early or engaging with wide range of supra curricular opportunities. This has the potential to make studying art at Sixth Form a bespoke and highly tailored experience.
Community and Outreach: The department actively looks for ways to involve the scholars and school in community wide collaborative experiences. This has involved learning the process of creating withy sculptures with artist Michelle Dufaur, and subsequently sharing these skills in a scholar-led workshop at St Mark’s Primary School to produce sculptures for a forest art trail. Scholars also have had the opportunity to help design a sculpture for ‘Shaun by The Sea’, a recent exciting art trail around Brighton to support The Martlets.
Trips and Workshops: Trips, workshops, and artists’ talks are run throughout the year and scholars are encouraged to join these events.
KS3 scholars are also invited termly to artist-led masterclasses. These have covered painting, bookbinding, ceramics, and sculpture and give students the opportunity to work on a skill beyond the curriculum.
GCSE and A-Level masterclasses have covered etching, screen printing, natural dyeing, and most recently, an exciting evening of fashion styling and photography.
Mentoring: The art department supports scholars to develop their artistic skills and interests towards finding and achieving their ambitions. Students are encouraged to take risks and learn from the process to hone their artistic skills and do so within a supportive and inspiring environment.
The art studio is available for scholars to use outside lessons and into the evenings, so they can work on their individual projects. They are also encouraged to attend lectures at galleries and high-level art establishments to understand better what is on offer in higher education.
Dance Scholarship
Roedean Dance Scholars embody discipline and commitment. They demonstrate dedication to personal improvement as well as the value of collaboration when putting together group performances.
Dance Scholarship candidates should demonstrate technical competence and strong expressive skills with a personal desire to improve. They must be prepared to engage in various Roedean performances.
Candidates applying for Years 7 and 9 should be dancing at Grade 4 standard or equivalent in at least one genre.
Candidates applying for Year 12 should be dancing at Intermediate standard or equivalent in at least one genre.
Application submissions
a 1-minute video showcasing the primary dance genre
a 1-minute video showcasing the secondary dance genre
a reference from each dance teacher (where multiple disciplines are studied)
If only one genre is studied, applicants should submit two videos showing contrasting pieces.
Submissions should be uploaded through the application software by Friday 11 October 2024.
Assessment day
Candidates will undertake the following as part of their scholarship assessment:
performance of two pre-prepared dances in different genres (or two contrasting styles if only one genre has been studied). Each dance should last approximately 2 minutes.
participation in a group practical assessment, which will gauge physical potential, technical foundation, and performance skills
a group improvisation exercise & choreography session with an emphasis on creativity and musicality
an interview, in which the student will discuss their dance training, passion and experience.
Pre-prepared dances will be performed for other candidates as well as our Head of Dance.
Candidates must wear appropriate dance clothing.

The Dance Scholars’ Programme at Roedean
A Leading Role: Scholars are ambassadors for dance at Roedean. As they rise through the years, there are opportunities to run dance activities for younger girls, mentor students within their classes and activities, and lead rehearsals. Junior Dance Scholars are invited to be involved in the House Dance Competition through performing for their house, whilst those in the Sixth Form may be asked to be a House Director or Assistant House Director.
Dance Scholars often relish the chance to perform in the annual Dance Showcase, either in a group or solo number, and they are encouraged to perform their own choreography. They can also be involved backstage with choreography, or with costume, hair, and makeup.
Working Towards Mastery: the co-curricular dance programme complements and works around the academic timetable. This includes the Royal Academy of Dance for Ballet, and the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance for Modern and Tap, both from beginners to Advanced 2, and the Jazz Awards up to Gold.
Scholars may participate in the lessons on offer and progress through the dance examinations to further extend and develop their skills. Whilst scholars are empowered to master their skills in their chosen genre of dance, they are also encouraged to try out and learn new dance styles.
Scholar classes are also offered weekly to help develop technique, strength and conditioning and choreography. Fitness sessions are also available.
Community and Outreach: Scholars have the chance to perform to different audiences and be a part of their local community by taking part in performances on Open Days, Scholars’ Evenings, informal showings, and Roedean workshops.
The Dance department firmly believes in sharing opportunities with others and so, alongside mentoring roles within the Roedean community, Roedean is seeking to develop roles where our scholars can be ambassadors for dance in our partnership schools.
Trips and Workshops: Workshops are offered throughout the year to introduce scholars to different styles of dance and provide opportunities to develop creative skills. These may be provided by visiting dance troupes or as an external trip. Theatre trips are also available to help further develop an appreciation of dance and performance.
Mentoring: A Roedean Dance Scholar will be guided on how to improve her skills in various genres of dance. Each Dance Scholar will have the opportunity to discuss her projects regularly with a mentor to reflect on her progress and independent pursuits.
Drama Scholarship
Roedean Drama Scholars are truly passionate and enthusiastic about the subject. As part of their own personal development, they embrace opportunities to play key roles in school productions and offer support to other students when needed. They are often involved in directing House Drama plays, mentoring younger girls in productions, and taking the initiative to put on their own plays for the school community.
Drama Scholarship candidates should have experience in several performances, preferably including some key roles.
They should demonstrate a high degree of acting ability with strong expressive skills.
Application submissions
a 1-minute monologue (excerpt from a longer piece is acceptable)
a reference from each drama teacher/acting coach
Submissions should be uploaded through the application software by Friday 11 October 2024.
Assessment day
Candidates will undertake the following as part of their scholarship assessment:
participation in a group workshop, including improvisational tasks, to assess creative and imaginative thinking
performance of one pre-prepared monologue. This can either be classical or contemporary and should last approximately 2 minutes.
an interview, in which the student will discuss their drama experience and passion.
Pre-prepared monologues should be age appropriate in tone, language and content. They will be performed for other candidates as well as our Head of Drama.
Candidates may bring comfortable clothing if preferred (costumes are not necessary).

The Drama Scholars’ Programme at Roedean
A Leading Role: Drama Scholars are encouraged to engage actively in opportunities to take part in school productions with the aim of ensuring a range of challenging roles during their time at Roedean. They have the opportunity to aid directors in the running of productions with tasks such as helping with communication with cast members and taking on roles of responsibility within rehearsals.
At Sixth Form level, scholars may also develop their leadership skills by supporting drama clubs for younger students and sharing their expertise to help develop the talents of the school community.
Working Towards Mastery: Roedean Scholars may take part in courses in Technical Theatre, including lighting, sound, and stage management, which enables them to be involved in the technical support for school productions, broadening scholars’ understanding of theatre as a whole.
This is made possible with direct access to Roedean’s purpose-built 350-seat theatre, theatre workshop, extensive wardrobe, and full-time technical team. Scholars are encouraged to study a variety of LAMDA courses to support their passion and encourage progression.
Community and Outreach: Within the school community, scholars are encouraged to run clubs and activities for younger students and peers, contributing to leading Drama within the school community. Local primary schools are invited to view performances of Roedean’s junior productions giving scholars the chance to perform to different audiences and be a part of their local community.
Trips and Workshops: our scholars are offered a specially tailored programme of events throughout the academic year to challenge and extend their skills. This includes workshops and masterclasses in different performance genres and techniques delivered either in school by Roedean staff or visiting specialists, as well as externally at local theatres. There are also a number of theatre trips offered to scholars annually.
Mentoring: The Drama department is committed to the personal development of each student and scholars are given termly mentoring meetings with the team. Scholars are encouraged to keep a record of their Drama achievements and experiences at Roedean to be able to reflect on, and develop, their practice and performance skills.
Music Scholarship
Music Scholars demonstrate tenacity, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to improve. They uphold the long tradition of exceptional music at Roedean as mentors to other musicians. They are highly valued members of the Roedean community.
Those applying for a scholarship should demonstrate a passion for music and an experience of performance.
They should show technical ability, strong expressive and performance skills, and the potential to improve.
Applicants should preferably offer at least two instruments, or one instrument and voice. Please note that candidates showing significant promise offering one instrument, rather than two, will be given due consideration.
Candidates applying for Years 7 and 9 should be playing or singing at Grade 4 to 5 standard (or equivalent) on the main instrument or voice.
Candidates applying for Year 12 should be playing or singing at Grade 6 to 7 standard (or equivalent) on their main instrument or voice.
Application submissions
a 1-minute video showcasing the primary instrument
a 1-minute video showcasing the secondary instrument or voice
a reference from each music teacher
Submissions should be uploaded through the application software by Friday 11 October 2024.
Assessment day
Candidates will undertake the following as part of their scholarship assessment:
performance of two pre-prepared pieces. Each piece should showcase a different instrument, or voice, and be contrasting in nature.
sight-reading test
aural test
an interview, in which the student will discuss their musical interests and passion
If accompaniment is required, this should be brought to the audition as piano sheet music. Where this is not possible, candidates may bring a backing track on a personal device.
The Music Scholars’ Programme at Roedean
A leading role: Music Scholars are encouraged to take a leading role in Roedean’s wide variety of musical groups and ensembles, such as Orchestra, String Ensemble, Band, Choir, or Chamber groups. They can improve their performance skills through appearing as soloists in evening recitals, Chapel services and concerts both in and out of school including our International Music Tours and Brighton Festival Fringe concerts. Scholars attend weekly rehearsals where they may be encouraged to lead sections, as appropriate, as well as providing mentoring or accompaniment for younger students.
Working towards mastery: Roedean has a fantastic team of instrumental and vocal teachers for private lessons, and we encourage all Music Scholars to make the most of the opportunity of learning in school.
For scholars wishing to broaden their experience, Roedean offers a programme of supported instrumental lessons on the bassoon, French horn, double bass, and other instruments on application. Music Scholars often embrace the opportunity to take Music at GCSE level in Years 10 & 11 and A level when in the Sixth Form.
Community & outreach: our scholars have been involved in setting up ukulele classes and a choir in a local primary school, playing a concert for the Blind Veterans at the local care home and busking to raise money for charities. All our concerts have a retiring collection and raise considerable funds for Roedean’s charitable causes. Scholars are encouraged to find their passion and feed this back into the community in ways to build their confidence in themselves and their skills.
Trips and workshops: A series of masterclasses and workshops are held each year for our scholars and other talented musicians to receive coaching from visiting professional instrumentalists, singers, conductors, and composers. Regular trips also take place alongside opportunities to benefit from playing alongside professional musicians in some concerts.
Mentoring: A Roedean Music Scholar is encouraged to recognise and take ownership of their own practice and how to improve to move their comfort zone into new and exciting areas. To this end, each Music Scholar will have the opportunity to discuss their projects regularly with a mentor to reflect and identify the next steps to fulfil their ambitions.
Performing Arts Scholarship
Performing Arts Scholars are ambassadors at Roedean, demonstrating enthusiasm, adaptability and leadership qualities.
Scholars are expected to continually develop their performance and production skills through co-curricular activities and bespoke workshop opportunities and engage with all opportunities to perform.
Those applying for a Performing Arts Scholarship should have natural stage presence, a good sense of performance, demonstrate imagination and creativity, and show leadership potential.
Candidates should have experience of performance, ideally including some key roles, in at least two of the following: drama, dance, singing, or musical theatre.
Application submissions
a 1-minute monologue (excerpt from a longer piece is acceptable)
a 1-minute video showcasing a theatrical dance routine
a 1-minute video showcasing singing ability.
references from teachers in each discipline (where available)
Submissions should be uploaded through the application software by Friday 11 October 2024.
Assessment day
Candidates will undertake the following as part of their scholarship assessment:
a 1-minute contemporary monologue (excerpt from a longer piece is acceptable)
perform a contemporary musical theatre song, showcasing a contrast to the monologue
participate in a dance workshop
an interview, in which the student will discuss their audition, and experience of performing arts and musical theatre.
Pre-prepared monologues and songs should be age appropriate in tone, language and content. They will be performed to other candidates as well as our Heads of department.
Candidates may bring comfortable clothing if preferred (costumes are not necessary).
If musical accompaniment is required, this should be brought to the audition as a backing track on a personal device.
The Performing Arts Scholars’ Programme at Roedean
A leading role: our scholars are offered the broadest opportunity to hone performance skills including involvement in Open Days, Speech Day and Roedean Day, and presenting in assemblies and chapel services. This experience provides the basis for them to develop their leadership skills in supporting younger students in performance as they rise through the school, such as in House Drama, House Dance and House Music, workshops, clubs, and choreography and direction in school productions.
Working towards mastery: Within the Performing Arts departments Roedean offers an excellent provision of co-curricular lessons in Dance, Drama and Singing (Musical Theatre), including the opportunity to take examinations. Opportunities to develop performance and production skills are also available through a range of co-curricular activities and bespoke workshops in all areas, be it with directing, choreographing, stage managing, and costume designing.
Community & outreach: Scholars have the opportunity to represent Roedean as Performance Ambassadors in local schools and in community organisations. This helps them to build on their performance experience, improve stage presence, and can provide valuable experience engaging with the wider community.
Trips and workshops: Roedean arranges workshops for scholars which include all three disciplines of drama, dance and singing onsite with Roedean staff, as well as masterclasses with West End professionals. Scholars are also invited to a variety of theatre trips including plays, musicals and dance shows.
Mentoring: Performing Arts Scholars can meet regularly with subject mentors in the Performing Arts departments to discuss their progress and the opportunities available to them, be these specialised in one area, or across two or three areas.

Sport Scholarship
Sports Scholars embody resilience, teamwork, and a passion for being active and achieving their ambitions on the field. They embrace opportunities to represent the school in fixtures every weekend as well as improving and moving their comfort zone into exciting new areas by attending training sessions.
Those applying for a Sports Scholarship must display a high level of performance and skill/ talent, and show outstanding potential, in at least one of our major sports: Hockey, Netball, Swimming and Cricket, while also participating at a A-team / 1st team level (school or club) in two of the mentioned sports.
Awards may also be considered in Tennis and Athletics.
Application submissions
a ‘CV’ of sporting achievements including:
sports played, age group and team level (e.g. school, county, national etc)
competitions entered and placement
official times (Power of 10) for students applying with swimming and athletics
references from coaches in each area of sport/team
Submissions should be uploaded through the application software by Friday 11 October 2024.
Assessment day
Candidates will undertake the following as part of their scholarship assessment:
a group practical assessment, which will include some or all our major sports.
This tests technical skills, decision making, and problem-solving qualities
a swimming or cricket assessment if the candidate has listed this as one of their main sports in their application
an interview, in which the student will demonstrate their passion for sport and their personal goals.
Candidates must bring appropriate sportswear including shinpads and a gumshield for the hockey assessment. Swimming candidates should bring a costume, towel, goggles and cap. Cricket kit can be provided if required.

The Sport Scholars’ Programme at Roedean
A Leading Role: Sports Scholars are encouraged to engage with club sport outside school. This provides every opportunity to work with others as part of a team and represent their school at the highest levels. The aim is to relish a new environment whilst realising their independent goals.
Working Towards Mastery: The Sports Scholarship Programme revolves around the principles of long-term athletic development and three key pillars:
Strength & Conditioning and Fundamental Movement Skills:Sports Scholars work closely with a strength and conditioning coach who has a huge amount of knowledge and experience on training, nutrition, and lifestyle management. They train throughout the year and are assisted by a tailored programme designed around their individual needs. Their physical foundations are developed, their functional movement skills are improved, whilst gaining a greater awareness of their own bodies. This is designed to provided fundamental knowledge of the principles of training: nutrition, performance, rest, and recovery.
Skill development and tactical awareness:Scholars receive outstanding coaching from the PE department, many of whom are still competing at the highest levels. This tests their technical skill levels and ensures that they continue to make improvements to their game. With an emphasis on thinking skills, scholars are encouraged to embrace challenges, take risks and learn from mistakes. An understanding of the game and its wider context allows scholars to learn how to adapt and thrive in unfamiliar circumstances.
Showcasing:Roedean has a full fixture list every Wednesday (Years 7 and 8) and Saturday (Year 9 to 13), plus a series of midweek friendlies and cup matches, all of which provide scholars with opportunities to compete. Roedean benefits from 11 netball courts, a floodlit hockey pitch, a 25m swimming pool, sports hall and strength and conditioning gym. The school also has excellent club links, including Magic, SNC and Brighton & Hove Hockey Club and many of our Sports Scholars play club sport together outside school.
Community and Outreach: Coaching younger students in a variety of sports is a key aspect of the Sports Scholars’ role. They are encouraged to join our Sports Leaders programme, working with a local primary school, and volunteer at the Brighton Marathon, and the Roedean Hockey Academy.
Trips and Workshops: The scholars benefit from masterclasses in our four major sports and from training sessions at Surrey Sports Park with Surrey Storm. Trips include the Amex Stadium to watch Brighton play, or the Nature Valley International in Eastbourne, to see the tennis. Scholars have fortnightly talks, many of which include outside speakers, cooking healthy pre-game snacks and personality tests. They are encouraged to attend the Roedean pre-season camps.
Mentoring: Scholars are paired with a member of the PE department, who will become their mentor. Mentors help set targets, analyse performance, and ensure scholars strike a healthy balance in their life, both in and out of school. Scholars have the opportunity to receive advice and support from our sports ambassadors, Kate and Helen Richardson-Walsh, Olympic Gold medal winning hockey players.
Roedean Scholars embody passion, intellectual curiosity, and an enthusiasm for learning. They are highly motivated and academically confident with a thirst for knowledge.
All applicants should be academically high achievers and strong across a range of subjects. They should be aspirational in outlook and demonstrate a positive and flexible approach to learning.
Candidates applying for Years 7 and 9 should be within the top 5% of their current cohort.
Candidates applying for Year 12 should have predicted GCSE grades of 7+ across all subjects.
Application submissions
Candidates applying for a Brighthelm Award should be prepared for their current Head teacher to be contacted for a personal recommendation. This will be undertaken by Roedean.
Applications must be submitted by Friday 11 October 2024. No further submissions in support of an application are necessary, other than the personal statement which is part of the application process.
Assessment day
Candidates will undertake the following as part of their scholarship assessment:
tests in maths, English, verbal reasoning, and non-verbal reasoning
a written academic scholarship paper (Year 12 applicants only)
an interview, in which candidates are expected to demonstrate intellectual curiosity
The Academic Scholars’ Programme at Roedean
A Leading Role: Scholars are at the heart of academic life and expected to demonstrate strong academic progress whilst at Roedean. The Scholar Programme is designed to challenge them intellectually whilst providing the opportunity to flourish. Scholars are encouraged to mentor their peers through running societies, being a part of the Academic Mentoring Project and, in Year 12, becoming an Academic Prefect.
Working towards Mastery: Roedean is committed to providing challenging opportunities in all curriculum lessons. In addition, scholars are encouraged to enter a range of national competitions to stretch themselves intellectually. Scholars are supported in finding their areas of intellectual interest and exploring different ways to examine this through debate, by presenting an academic lecture, chairing a question-and-answer panel, or entering a national competition.
Sixth Form scholars are encouraged to participate in the Roedean Symposium and expand their academic subject choices by completing the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ).
Community and Outreach: Academic Scholars in Years 7 to 9 are encouraged to work with St Mark’s Primary school as reading ambassadors or, for those with a second language, as Language Buddies.
During GCSE, Academic Scholars are at the heart of the Roedean Academy, an academic based partnership programme that aims to provide a high level and enriching academic experience for students from Roedean and local state comprehensives.
Academic Scholars in the Sixth Form work with the local community through the ‘Community Action Programme’. Roedean also holds an annual interview exchange and dinner with students from Lancing College for our Oxbridge and Early University entrants.
Trips and Workshops: All Academic Scholars are encouraged to attend the weekly programme of Roedean Academic Lectures which comprises an eclectic mix of fields and disciplines, designed to challenge, extend, and broaden intellects. Lectures are given by visiting speakers, Roedean Scholars, and academic staff and have included: ‘The Unravelling of the Versailles Treaty’, ‘What is poetry?’ (featuring Soviet poetry), ‘Postmodernist Thought’, and ‘Big Numbers’.
Scholars are encouraged to make full use of the wide range of subject-based trips made available during their time at Roedean. Recent trips have included the British Museum, the Battle Fields in Ypres, and an exchange visit with Roedean South Africa. Scholars are offered a variety of seminars, lectures and visiting workshops as part of the co-curricular programme ranging from CAD programming in the F24 Electric Car project, to a Macbeth workshop for English students.
Mentoring: Academic Scholars meet regularly with their subject mentors in their priority subjects as well as with the Assistant Head: Academic Enrichment & Support to discuss their progress and the opportunities available to them.
Roedean Art Scholars have a passion for creativity and demonstrate a range of technical skills with high levels of imagination. Their vision is often experimental, and they show a willingness to learn from the process as well as the outcome.
Art Scholarship candidates should demonstrate curiosity and a true enthusiasm for the visual arts. Imagination and originality should be evidenced in their portfolio.
Application submissions
Candidates should submit photos of three contrasting works of art produced within the last 6 months.
Submissions should be uploaded through the application software by Friday 11 October 2024.
Portfolio Submission
Candidates who are invited to assess for an Art Scholarship are asked to submit a digital portfolio of current work to be reviewed by the Head of Art.
The portfolio should include a selection of pieces which show a range of media, technical abilities, and the potential to develop.
Artwork can include drawings, pictures, and paintings, as well as 3D work.
Digital portfolios should be submitted by the relevant deadline to be considered. Please see the table of Key Dates for more information.
Submissions should be sent to [email protected]
Assessment day
Candidates will undertake the following as part of their scholarship assessment:
participation in a practical assessment, which will include a drawing task and an analysis exercise.
an interview, in which candidates will
discuss their knowledge of, and interest in, art
answer questions related to their favourite artists
speak about their skills in relation to their submitted portfolio
The Art Scholars’ Programme at Roedean
A Leading Role: Scholars may be involved in supporting the art department on Open Days and Evenings giving them the chance to share and communicate their skills and passion with their peers and the wider community.
Scholars are given the opportunity to display and exhibit their artwork in one of Roedean’s three main annual exhibitions. The department also supports scholars who wish to enter external competitions including the Royal Academy Young Artists Summer Show.
Working Towards Mastery: The department delivers a wide variety of evening and weekend courses for scholars in life drawing, printmaking, and ceramics. Scholars are encouraged to take part in these opportunities to extend their breadth of understanding and depth of technical proficiency across a range of media and processes.
At Sixth Form, scholars can benefit from taking examinations early or engaging with wide range of supra curricular opportunities. This has the potential to make studying art at Sixth Form a bespoke and highly tailored experience.
Community and Outreach: The department actively looks for ways to involve the scholars and school in community wide collaborative experiences. This has involved learning the process of creating withy sculptures with artist Michelle Dufaur, and subsequently sharing these skills in a scholar-led workshop at St Mark’s Primary School to produce sculptures for a forest art trail. Scholars also have had the opportunity to help design a sculpture for ‘Shaun by The Sea’, a recent exciting art trail around Brighton to support The Martlets.
Trips and Workshops: Trips, workshops, and artists’ talks are run throughout the year and scholars are encouraged to join these events.
KS3 scholars are also invited termly to artist-led masterclasses. These have covered painting, bookbinding, ceramics, and sculpture and give students the opportunity to work on a skill beyond the curriculum.
GCSE and A-Level masterclasses have covered etching, screen printing, natural dyeing, and most recently, an exciting evening of fashion styling and photography.
Mentoring: The art department supports scholars to develop their artistic skills and interests towards finding and achieving their ambitions. Students are encouraged to take risks and learn from the process to hone their artistic skills and do so within a supportive and inspiring environment.
The art studio is available for scholars to use outside lessons and into the evenings, so they can work on their individual projects. They are also encouraged to attend lectures at galleries and high-level art establishments to understand better what is on offer in higher education.
Roedean Dance Scholars embody discipline and commitment. They demonstrate dedication to personal improvement as well as the value of collaboration when putting together group performances.
Dance Scholarship candidates should demonstrate technical competence and strong expressive skills with a personal desire to improve. They must be prepared to engage in various Roedean performances.
Candidates applying for Years 7 and 9 should be dancing at Grade 4 standard or equivalent in at least one genre.
Candidates applying for Year 12 should be dancing at Intermediate standard or equivalent in at least one genre.
Application submissions
a 1-minute video showcasing the primary dance genre
a 1-minute video showcasing the secondary dance genre
a reference from each dance teacher (where multiple disciplines are studied)
If only one genre is studied, applicants should submit two videos showing contrasting pieces.
Submissions should be uploaded through the application software by Friday 11 October 2024.
Assessment day
Candidates will undertake the following as part of their scholarship assessment:
performance of two pre-prepared dances in different genres (or two contrasting styles if only one genre has been studied). Each dance should last approximately 2 minutes.
participation in a group practical assessment, which will gauge physical potential, technical foundation, and performance skills
a group improvisation exercise & choreography session with an emphasis on creativity and musicality
an interview, in which the student will discuss their dance training, passion and experience.
Pre-prepared dances will be performed for other candidates as well as our Head of Dance.
Candidates must wear appropriate dance clothing.
The Dance Scholars’ Programme at Roedean
A Leading Role: Scholars are ambassadors for dance at Roedean. As they rise through the years, there are opportunities to run dance activities for younger girls, mentor students within their classes and activities, and lead rehearsals. Junior Dance Scholars are invited to be involved in the House Dance Competition through performing for their house, whilst those in the Sixth Form may be asked to be a House Director or Assistant House Director.
Dance Scholars often relish the chance to perform in the annual Dance Showcase, either in a group or solo number, and they are encouraged to perform their own choreography. They can also be involved backstage with choreography, or with costume, hair, and makeup.
Working Towards Mastery: the co-curricular dance programme complements and works around the academic timetable. This includes the Royal Academy of Dance for Ballet, and the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance for Modern and Tap, both from beginners to Advanced 2, and the Jazz Awards up to Gold.
Scholars may participate in the lessons on offer and progress through the dance examinations to further extend and develop their skills. Whilst scholars are empowered to master their skills in their chosen genre of dance, they are also encouraged to try out and learn new dance styles.
Scholar classes are also offered weekly to help develop technique, strength and conditioning and choreography. Fitness sessions are also available.
Community and Outreach: Scholars have the chance to perform to different audiences and be a part of their local community by taking part in performances on Open Days, Scholars’ Evenings, informal showings, and Roedean workshops.
The Dance department firmly believes in sharing opportunities with others and so, alongside mentoring roles within the Roedean community, Roedean is seeking to develop roles where our scholars can be ambassadors for dance in our partnership schools.
Trips and Workshops: Workshops are offered throughout the year to introduce scholars to different styles of dance and provide opportunities to develop creative skills. These may be provided by visiting dance troupes or as an external trip. Theatre trips are also available to help further develop an appreciation of dance and performance.
Mentoring: A Roedean Dance Scholar will be guided on how to improve her skills in various genres of dance. Each Dance Scholar will have the opportunity to discuss her projects regularly with a mentor to reflect on her progress and independent pursuits.
Roedean Drama Scholars are truly passionate and enthusiastic about the subject. As part of their own personal development, they embrace opportunities to play key roles in school productions and offer support to other students when needed. They are often involved in directing House Drama plays, mentoring younger girls in productions, and taking the initiative to put on their own plays for the school community.
Drama Scholarship candidates should have experience in several performances, preferably including some key roles.
They should demonstrate a high degree of acting ability with strong expressive skills.
Application submissions
a 1-minute monologue (excerpt from a longer piece is acceptable)
a reference from each drama teacher/acting coach
Submissions should be uploaded through the application software by Friday 11 October 2024.
Assessment day
Candidates will undertake the following as part of their scholarship assessment:
participation in a group workshop, including improvisational tasks, to assess creative and imaginative thinking
performance of one pre-prepared monologue. This can either be classical or contemporary and should last approximately 2 minutes.
an interview, in which the student will discuss their drama experience and passion.
Pre-prepared monologues should be age appropriate in tone, language and content. They will be performed for other candidates as well as our Head of Drama.
Candidates may bring comfortable clothing if preferred (costumes are not necessary).
The Drama Scholars’ Programme at Roedean
A Leading Role: Drama Scholars are encouraged to engage actively in opportunities to take part in school productions with the aim of ensuring a range of challenging roles during their time at Roedean. They have the opportunity to aid directors in the running of productions with tasks such as helping with communication with cast members and taking on roles of responsibility within rehearsals.
At Sixth Form level, scholars may also develop their leadership skills by supporting drama clubs for younger students and sharing their expertise to help develop the talents of the school community.
Working Towards Mastery: Roedean Scholars may take part in courses in Technical Theatre, including lighting, sound, and stage management, which enables them to be involved in the technical support for school productions, broadening scholars’ understanding of theatre as a whole.
This is made possible with direct access to Roedean’s purpose-built 350-seat theatre, theatre workshop, extensive wardrobe, and full-time technical team. Scholars are encouraged to study a variety of LAMDA courses to support their passion and encourage progression.
Community and Outreach: Within the school community, scholars are encouraged to run clubs and activities for younger students and peers, contributing to leading Drama within the school community. Local primary schools are invited to view performances of Roedean’s junior productions giving scholars the chance to perform to different audiences and be a part of their local community.
Trips and Workshops: our scholars are offered a specially tailored programme of events throughout the academic year to challenge and extend their skills. This includes workshops and masterclasses in different performance genres and techniques delivered either in school by Roedean staff or visiting specialists, as well as externally at local theatres. There are also a number of theatre trips offered to scholars annually.
Mentoring: The Drama department is committed to the personal development of each student and scholars are given termly mentoring meetings with the team. Scholars are encouraged to keep a record of their Drama achievements and experiences at Roedean to be able to reflect on, and develop, their practice and performance skills.
Music Scholars demonstrate tenacity, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to improve. They uphold the long tradition of exceptional music at Roedean as mentors to other musicians. They are highly valued members of the Roedean community.
Those applying for a scholarship should demonstrate a passion for music and an experience of performance.
They should show technical ability, strong expressive and performance skills, and the potential to improve.
Applicants should preferably offer at least two instruments, or one instrument and voice. Please note that candidates showing significant promise offering one instrument, rather than two, will be given due consideration.
Candidates applying for Years 7 and 9 should be playing or singing at Grade 4 to 5 standard (or equivalent) on the main instrument or voice.
Candidates applying for Year 12 should be playing or singing at Grade 6 to 7 standard (or equivalent) on their main instrument or voice.
Application submissions
a 1-minute video showcasing the primary instrument
a 1-minute video showcasing the secondary instrument or voice
a reference from each music teacher
Submissions should be uploaded through the application software by Friday 11 October 2024.
Assessment day
Candidates will undertake the following as part of their scholarship assessment:
performance of two pre-prepared pieces. Each piece should showcase a different instrument, or voice, and be contrasting in nature.
sight-reading test
aural test
an interview, in which the student will discuss their musical interests and passion
If accompaniment is required, this should be brought to the audition as piano sheet music. Where this is not possible, candidates may bring a backing track on a personal device.
The Music Scholars’ Programme at Roedean
A leading role: Music Scholars are encouraged to take a leading role in Roedean’s wide variety of musical groups and ensembles, such as Orchestra, String Ensemble, Band, Choir, or Chamber groups. They can improve their performance skills through appearing as soloists in evening recitals, Chapel services and concerts both in and out of school including our International Music Tours and Brighton Festival Fringe concerts. Scholars attend weekly rehearsals where they may be encouraged to lead sections, as appropriate, as well as providing mentoring or accompaniment for younger students.
Working towards mastery: Roedean has a fantastic team of instrumental and vocal teachers for private lessons, and we encourage all Music Scholars to make the most of the opportunity of learning in school.
For scholars wishing to broaden their experience, Roedean offers a programme of supported instrumental lessons on the bassoon, French horn, double bass, and other instruments on application. Music Scholars often embrace the opportunity to take Music at GCSE level in Years 10 & 11 and A level when in the Sixth Form.
Community & outreach: our scholars have been involved in setting up ukulele classes and a choir in a local primary school, playing a concert for the Blind Veterans at the local care home and busking to raise money for charities. All our concerts have a retiring collection and raise considerable funds for Roedean’s charitable causes. Scholars are encouraged to find their passion and feed this back into the community in ways to build their confidence in themselves and their skills.
Trips and workshops: A series of masterclasses and workshops are held each year for our scholars and other talented musicians to receive coaching from visiting professional instrumentalists, singers, conductors, and composers. Regular trips also take place alongside opportunities to benefit from playing alongside professional musicians in some concerts.
Mentoring: A Roedean Music Scholar is encouraged to recognise and take ownership of their own practice and how to improve to move their comfort zone into new and exciting areas. To this end, each Music Scholar will have the opportunity to discuss their projects regularly with a mentor to reflect and identify the next steps to fulfil their ambitions.
Performing Arts Scholars are ambassadors at Roedean, demonstrating enthusiasm, adaptability and leadership qualities.
Scholars are expected to continually develop their performance and production skills through co-curricular activities and bespoke workshop opportunities and engage with all opportunities to perform.
Those applying for a Performing Arts Scholarship should have natural stage presence, a good sense of performance, demonstrate imagination and creativity, and show leadership potential.
Candidates should have experience of performance, ideally including some key roles, in at least two of the following: drama, dance, singing, or musical theatre.
Application submissions
a 1-minute monologue (excerpt from a longer piece is acceptable)
a 1-minute video showcasing a theatrical dance routine
a 1-minute video showcasing singing ability.
references from teachers in each discipline (where available)
Submissions should be uploaded through the application software by Friday 11 October 2024.
Assessment day
Candidates will undertake the following as part of their scholarship assessment:
a 1-minute contemporary monologue (excerpt from a longer piece is acceptable)
perform a contemporary musical theatre song, showcasing a contrast to the monologue
participate in a dance workshop
an interview, in which the student will discuss their audition, and experience of performing arts and musical theatre.
Pre-prepared monologues and songs should be age appropriate in tone, language and content. They will be performed to other candidates as well as our Heads of department.
Candidates may bring comfortable clothing if preferred (costumes are not necessary).
If musical accompaniment is required, this should be brought to the audition as a backing track on a personal device.
The Performing Arts Scholars’ Programme at Roedean
A leading role: our scholars are offered the broadest opportunity to hone performance skills including involvement in Open Days, Speech Day and Roedean Day, and presenting in assemblies and chapel services. This experience provides the basis for them to develop their leadership skills in supporting younger students in performance as they rise through the school, such as in House Drama, House Dance and House Music, workshops, clubs, and choreography and direction in school productions.
Working towards mastery: Within the Performing Arts departments Roedean offers an excellent provision of co-curricular lessons in Dance, Drama and Singing (Musical Theatre), including the opportunity to take examinations. Opportunities to develop performance and production skills are also available through a range of co-curricular activities and bespoke workshops in all areas, be it with directing, choreographing, stage managing, and costume designing.
Community & outreach: Scholars have the opportunity to represent Roedean as Performance Ambassadors in local schools and in community organisations. This helps them to build on their performance experience, improve stage presence, and can provide valuable experience engaging with the wider community.
Trips and workshops: Roedean arranges workshops for scholars which include all three disciplines of drama, dance and singing onsite with Roedean staff, as well as masterclasses with West End professionals. Scholars are also invited to a variety of theatre trips including plays, musicals and dance shows.
Mentoring: Performing Arts Scholars can meet regularly with subject mentors in the Performing Arts departments to discuss their progress and the opportunities available to them, be these specialised in one area, or across two or three areas.
Sports Scholars embody resilience, teamwork, and a passion for being active and achieving their ambitions on the field. They embrace opportunities to represent the school in fixtures every weekend as well as improving and moving their comfort zone into exciting new areas by attending training sessions.
Those applying for a Sports Scholarship must display a high level of performance and skill/ talent, and show outstanding potential, in at least one of our major sports: Hockey, Netball, Swimming and Cricket, while also participating at a A-team / 1st team level (school or club) in two of the mentioned sports.
Awards may also be considered in Tennis and Athletics.
Application submissions
a ‘CV’ of sporting achievements including:
sports played, age group and team level (e.g. school, county, national etc)
competitions entered and placement
official times (Power of 10) for students applying with swimming and athletics
references from coaches in each area of sport/team
Submissions should be uploaded through the application software by Friday 11 October 2024.
Assessment day
Candidates will undertake the following as part of their scholarship assessment:
a group practical assessment, which will include some or all our major sports.
This tests technical skills, decision making, and problem-solving qualities
a swimming or cricket assessment if the candidate has listed this as one of their main sports in their application
an interview, in which the student will demonstrate their passion for sport and their personal goals.
Candidates must bring appropriate sportswear including shinpads and a gumshield for the hockey assessment. Swimming candidates should bring a costume, towel, goggles and cap. Cricket kit can be provided if required.
The Sport Scholars’ Programme at Roedean
A Leading Role: Sports Scholars are encouraged to engage with club sport outside school. This provides every opportunity to work with others as part of a team and represent their school at the highest levels. The aim is to relish a new environment whilst realising their independent goals.
Working Towards Mastery: The Sports Scholarship Programme revolves around the principles of long-term athletic development and three key pillars:
Strength & Conditioning and Fundamental Movement Skills:Sports Scholars work closely with a strength and conditioning coach who has a huge amount of knowledge and experience on training, nutrition, and lifestyle management. They train throughout the year and are assisted by a tailored programme designed around their individual needs. Their physical foundations are developed, their functional movement skills are improved, whilst gaining a greater awareness of their own bodies. This is designed to provided fundamental knowledge of the principles of training: nutrition, performance, rest, and recovery.
Skill development and tactical awareness:Scholars receive outstanding coaching from the PE department, many of whom are still competing at the highest levels. This tests their technical skill levels and ensures that they continue to make improvements to their game. With an emphasis on thinking skills, scholars are encouraged to embrace challenges, take risks and learn from mistakes. An understanding of the game and its wider context allows scholars to learn how to adapt and thrive in unfamiliar circumstances.
Showcasing:Roedean has a full fixture list every Wednesday (Years 7 and 8) and Saturday (Year 9 to 13), plus a series of midweek friendlies and cup matches, all of which provide scholars with opportunities to compete. Roedean benefits from 11 netball courts, a floodlit hockey pitch, a 25m swimming pool, sports hall and strength and conditioning gym. The school also has excellent club links, including Magic, SNC and Brighton & Hove Hockey Club and many of our Sports Scholars play club sport together outside school.
Community and Outreach: Coaching younger students in a variety of sports is a key aspect of the Sports Scholars’ role. They are encouraged to join our Sports Leaders programme, working with a local primary school, and volunteer at the Brighton Marathon, and the Roedean Hockey Academy.
Trips and Workshops: The scholars benefit from masterclasses in our four major sports and from training sessions at Surrey Sports Park with Surrey Storm. Trips include the Amex Stadium to watch Brighton play, or the Nature Valley International in Eastbourne, to see the tennis. Scholars have fortnightly talks, many of which include outside speakers, cooking healthy pre-game snacks and personality tests. They are encouraged to attend the Roedean pre-season camps.
Mentoring: Scholars are paired with a member of the PE department, who will become their mentor. Mentors help set targets, analyse performance, and ensure scholars strike a healthy balance in their life, both in and out of school. Scholars have the opportunity to receive advice and support from our sports ambassadors, Kate and Helen Richardson-Walsh, Olympic Gold medal winning hockey players.