The Roedeanian Society

Everyone who has been through Roedean is a member of the Roedean Community, whether that is as a student, member of staff or parent. Your relationship with the school doesn’t end when you leave the School.

The Roedeanian Society is the umbrella society for all members of the Roedean Community, with the aim to strengthen our fantastic network of former students, their families and former staff by bringing together all members of the Roedean network.

Run from our Roedeanian Office, based at the School, and working in partnership with the Old Roedeanians’ Association (ORA), The Roedeanian Society aims are;

• To bring together all members of the Roedean network

• To harness the collective power of our community to support the School and the girls

• To share and celebrate our community’s achievements and interests

Benefits of Roedeanian Society membership include regular communications from the School, invitations to an extensive programme of subsidised events and access to an online networking portal.

We also recognise the vast amount of excellent work groups are doing individually to support the School, and we aim to provide a central platform for coordination and communication through the Roedeanian Society. Under this section you will find links to different groups, ways in which you can stay in touch and receive news from the School.

Staying In Touch

There are many ways you can keep in touch with Roedean School after leaving, whether you are a former student, former member of staff, or former parent.

The Roedeanian Office is here to support you, so please do get in touch, whether you would like to visit, arrange an event, re-connect with old colleagues or friends, or offer to support the School or the girls. We also have an online portal (The Roedean Community Network), host events throughout the year, and produce a quarterly magazine.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Go to the Roedean Community Network

  • The Roedeanian Office

    We work with all stakeholders of the School to build a supportive network around Roedean. We do this through the Roedean Community Network, The Roedeanian magazine, monthly e-newsletter, reunions and events, and through professional networking, career support and mentoring.

    We are always delighted to hear from members of the Roedeanian community whether it is to arrange a visit, give an update on what they are doing, get back in touch with friends or to arrange an event. We will always do all we can to help and support our students, not just when at School, but for life.

    We are also always keen to welcome Roedeanians back to share their expertise with the students. If you would like to give a talk or lecture about your work or life experience, we would be delighted to hear from you.

    To get in touch, you can email us on [email protected], call us on 01273 667398 or write to us at:

    The Roedeanian Office
    Roedean School
    Roedean Way
    BN2 5RQ
  • Roedean Community Network

    The Roedean Community Network connects alumnae and friends of Roedean School to build a supporting network to help the school and each other. It is also the official communications channel for all school news and information built to serve all of Roedean’s alumnae community and friends.

    The main objectives of the Roedean Community Network are:

    • Direct and up-to-date information about Roedean.

    • To build professional networks based on your careers, universities, interests and location.

    • Discover further opportunities and knowledge of careers through this extended network.

    • Post stories/comments and share experiences.

    • To keep the Roedeanian Office up-to-date with your current contact details.

    Go to the Roedean Community Network

  • Publications

    The School produces quarterly alumnae magazines, The Roedeanian and e-Roedeanian. These are available to all ORs, Former Staff, Friends of the School and Former Parents free of charge, if you have not received either of these please contact us so that we can add your details to our mailing list.

    The Roedeanian, is published twice a year and is sent in hard copy to all those who left in the Class of 1997 or earlier and who are living in the UK and Europe, and by email to all others for whom we have an email address. If you live overseas, or left more recently and would like to receive a hard copy, please get in touch.

    The e-Roedeanian, is published twice a year in the Spring and Autumn and is sent by email only.

    If you have news or a story which you would like included in a future issue of the magazine, please contact the team on [email protected].

    Please click below to see the latest issue. Back issues can also be viewed here.