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Roedean People

Guy Carter
Space to be:

Head of Geography

I believe that Geography is an essential choice of subject for 2024; it's so relevant, and extremely fun to teach!

I believe that Geography is an essential choice of subject for 2024.

It’s so relevant – the geo-politics of today, globalisation, conflict, and combined with environmental issues such as wildfires, storms and sustainable living– make this a contemporary, constantly evolving and genuinely fascinating subject, and extremely fun to teach!

This is my 27th year of teaching, and when the opportunity came up at Roedean I jumped at the chance. The girls here have such a strong work ethic, and their confidence and ability to communicate is really striking. I also love teaching international students from so many countries: in our modern globalised society, sharing opinions and ideas from all over the world makes for an even more engaging Geography classroom.

I’m most proud of how we’ve made the curriculum bespoke to the students. We’ve re-established fieldwork and changed the trips to make sure they are relevant – we now offer trips and fieldwork across the year groups, including three residentials, one of which is to Iceland.

My ambition is to form a Weather Station at Roedean and a Meteorology club, where students would help to monitor data which could then feed into the national Met Office network.

After all, we really do experience all types of weather up here on the cliff-tops!