7.1 Occasionally, the School will need to share personal information relating to its community with third parties, such as:
(a) professional advisers (lawyers and accountants) or relevant authorities (HMRC, police or the local authority).
(b) government authorities (e.g. HMRC, DfE, police or the local authority); and
(c) appropriate regulatory bodies (e.g. the Independent Schools Inspectorate, the Charity Commission or the Information Commissioner’s Office).
7.2 The School works in close conjunction with the Old Roedeanians’ Association, which is independent from the School. If you are a member of the Old Roedeanians’ Association (“ORA”) or a member of the Roedean School community (such as a former pupil or member of staff), we may share your personal data with other selective Old Roedeanians (“ORs”) and selective Roedean employees and consultants in order to seek to achieve the aims of the ORA – which include organising reunions and supporting Roedean. Please see the ORA pages for more details.
7.3 The School manages the Roedean Community database of Old Roedeanians, parents, former parents, former staff, and friends of the School. Specific Roedean staff are able to access and use your personal data in the manner we explain below. Four representatives of the Old Roedeanians’ Association (ORA) have ‘read only’ access to the basic details of ORA members (only). The President, Vice-President, Membership Secretary and Treasurer.
7.4 Further information about the ORA, including how to join, can be found here http://www.roedean.co.uk/Old-Roedeanians-Association.
7.5 As they are required to do under data protection law, the School and the ORA have each registered as controllers with the Information Commissioner (who is the data protection regulator). This means that the School and the ORA are each independently responsible for how they handle your personal data.
7.6 The Old Roedeanians database will hold the following information about you: your name, contact details, information about your interests and the Roedean events you have attended, and information about your interests outside of the Roedean community (e.g. information about your hobbies, further education and your job).
7.7 Personal data held on the database (and other information we collect about you through, for example, your attendance at ORA or Roedeanian Society events) will be used for the following purposes by the School and by the ORA:
(a) To tell you about Roedean-related events and activities taking place (including reunions and social events);
(b) To provide support and assistance to the School (including fundraising and governance);
(c) To provide a link between Old Roedeanians and the School and each other, and to sustain your interest in the School and in the Old Roedeanians’ Association
(d) To inform you about developments at Roedean and fundraising appeals established to help fund those projects;
(e) To conduct research to ensure that members of the Roedean community with the capacity to make a major contribution to such appeal are identified;
(f) To keep alive the spirit imbued by the Founders of the School and to uphold the reputation of the School; and
(g) To support the Old Roedeanians’ Scholarship Fund.
7.8 For example, the ORA or the School might contact you with news about what is happening at the School or with information about events and activities which might be of interest to you. You might be contacted by post, email, text message or telephone. You can ask us not to use one or more of these methods by sending an email to [email protected] or sending your request by post to: Attention: Privacy Enquiry, Roedean School, Roedean Way, Brighton BN2 5RQ.
7.9 For the most part, personal data collected by the School will remain within the School, and will be processed by appropriate individuals only in accordance with access protocols (i.e. on a ‘need to know’ basis). This includes sharing information with School employees and Council Trustees where appropriate. Particularly strict rules of access apply in the context of:
(a) medical records (held and accessed only by the lead nurse and appropriate medical staff under his/her supervision, or otherwise in accordance with express consent); and
(b) pastoral files;
(c) safeguarding files held by the DSL.
7.10 However, a certain amount of any SEN pupil’s relevant information will need to be provided to staff more widely in the context of providing the necessary care and education that the pupil requires.
7.11 Staff, pupils and parents are reminded that the School is under duties imposed by law and statutory guidance (including Keeping Children Safe in Education) to record or report incidents and concerns that arise or are reported to it, in some cases regardless of whether they are proven, if they meet a certain threshold of seriousness in their nature or regularity. This may include file notes on personnel or safeguarding files, and in some cases referrals to relevant authorities such as Social Services, the LADO or police. For further information about this, please view the School’s Safeguarding Policy.
7.12 The School shares certain data with other educational organisations. The other educational organisations use this data for the purposes of ensuring that all other educational resident children of compulsory school age are safe and are receiving suitable education.
If a student resides within the other educational organisation district, the School shares the following personal data: name, date of birth, home address, gender, details on special educational needs, attendance (if below 90%) and name of parent/carer.
The data will be stored by the other educational organisation on a secure drive, within a password protected database which only select members of the Education and Early Years team and Strategy and Performance team will be able to access.
The other educational organisation agrees not to share the information with parties outside of its agreement with the School, unless it is necessary for the purposes of complying with the other educational organisation’s legal duties or is otherwise required by law, and agreed in writing in advance by the School.
7.13 The School shares data with its bank Natwest, and other banks as necessary, for the purposes of ensuring fee payments are not fraudulent. The School shares the following personal data: date of birth, nationality, place of birth, address.
7.14 Each year Roedean offers financial support to parents of students whose circumstances would otherwise put Roedean beyond their reach. Bursaries can be applied for alongside a scholarship application or as a standalone application.
All applicant families need to complete a means-tested bursary application in full. All bursary applications will be evaluated by an external company, Bursary Administration Limited. The continuation of a bursary is subject to an annual assessment and the student’s sustained performance and contribution in the School.
The external company in evaluating the bursary application will meet with the family, either via an online meeting, telephonic call or face-to-face meeting, before collating and passing on their findings to Roedean School. Roedean School will then evaluate the findings before deciding as to the level of funding the bursary applicant might be offered. Financial and family circumstances are taken into account when processing the bursary applications. The bursary applications are then taken to the Awards Committee for review. Once the Awards Committee have reviewed the bursaries the Director of Finance and Administration will notify the bursary applicants via letter or email.
All information collated in the bursary application process is utilised for the sole purpose of determining the eligibility of the bursary applications. This information will be securely destroyed within six months of a Student leaving the School as per the Bursary Policy section 7.1.
“Bursary Policy Section 7:
7 Data protection
7.1 Data will be processed only for the purposes of considering applications for bursaries and determining the success of such applications and the information provided will not be used for any other purpose. This information will be securely destroyed within six months of a Student leaving the School. A copy of the School’s privacy policy is available on the website.“
7.15 The School uses Microsoft Teams to communicate verbally and/or by written communication channels. It is important to note that when using Teams, names of individuals can and may be shared via booking meetings over Teams, discussions over the platform verbally or in written form. Also, it is important to note that Microsoft will also collect personal data such as Content, Profile Data, Call History, Call Quality Data, Support/Feedback Data and Diagnostic Data. As such, the School will rely on legitimate interests for the usage of Microsoft Teams as a lawful basis for processing.
7.16 Finally, in accordance with Data Protection Law, some of the School’s processing activity is carried out on its behalf by third parties, such as IT systems, web developers or cloud storage providers. This is always subject to contractual assurances that personal data will be kept securely and only in accordance with the School’s specific directions and we take all appropriate measures to prevent unauthorised or unlawful access to it. As many of these processors operate globally, it may be necessary to transfer your information internationally. Use of personal data by such third parties is safeguarded by both international procedures and legal agreements to comply with the requirements of the Act.