Space to be:
Full Boarder
My favourite thing about boarding is that it’s like living with your friends.

“After school, at 17:00, everyone except for year 7 and 8 are allowed to collect their phones. After dinner there is time to do whatever you want until 18:45 where we all come together for any notices. Straight after that is Prep for the whole house.
Prep is essentially an hour where the house is quiet so that everyone can get their work done. Years 7 and 9 are seated in the JPR (there’s one in every House) and Years 10 and 11 are in their bedrooms quietly working. When prep finishes at 20:00 Years 7 and 8 may collect their phones and there is always some sort of activity, such as toastie night (my favourite), baking competitions, dance, arts and crafts and other things too! These fun activities usually last for 45 minutes and then the house gets a bit quieter for lights out for the younger years.
Each year will hand in their phones 15 minutes before lights out. My favourite thing about boarding is that it’s like living with your friends even though I do not share a room. I love the fact that I get to experience the aspect of being a boarder and that I always have exciting stories to tell my parents. It can take time to get used to, but I am sure that once you settle in and make new friends you will feel like you are at a home away from home.”