Roedean People

Space to be:

Flexi Boarder

I love the crafts in the evening, and game nights, which get quite competitive!

“My parents travel a lot, so we find the flexibility of boarding here really useful; I have sometimes been a full boarder as well as a flexi boarder. My experience has been that boarding has allowed me to make really close friendships.

Being a flexi boarder means I don’t have to get up as early! I get up between 6.50-7am usually, and the bathroom is right next to my room, which is handy. We go down to breakfast and the boarders are registered there, then I come back up and pack my bag ready for the day.

At break, I run up and swap my morning books for the ones I need later. One of the reasons I love having my own room in KS4 is that I can shut the door, put my headphones on and focus on my prep. After school, it’s pretty chilled – we have tea and hot chocolate and catch up. I love the crafts in the evening, and game nights, which get quite competitive! I also use the gym during the boarders’ sessions in the evenings – it’s a really good way to end the day.”